Reasons to Visit
Located adjacent to the school library, there are many reasons as student should seek support or information from the Learning Team. Learn more about our resources here!
Study Strategies/Organization Skills:
Students can meet with members of the Learning Team for 1:1 sessions on a regular basis or on an ‘as needed’ basis. Study routines, strategies for time management and academic success, and plans for organizing an approach to schoolwork are some of the areas that can be addressed in Learning Team sessions.
Learning Lab:
The Mount Learning Lab, staffed by members of the Learning Team, is an after-school resource that meets in the Learning Center throughout the school year on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 - 4 pm. This time is used for the following:
Develop study strategies to stay on top of schoolwork
Work on specific academic tasks, such as research and writing projects
Complete makeup work (homework or tests)
Peer Tutoring:
Peer tutors are available throughout the school year to work with students in the areas of math, science, and foreign languages.