The Mount offers students a variety of opportunities to engage in service, explore cultures, and foster deep bonds with their fellow sisters. Our commitment to education extends beyond the classroom and part of the larger community encouraging students to embrace new experiences that empowers them as future leaders. All Mount trips are supervised by faculty and staff for safety.
Service Trips
The Campus Ministry provides opportunities for students to serve both on and off campus. Every week, students can take part in off-campus service projects in Philadelphia and Flourtown. Additionally, during the summer, the Romero Center in Camden, NJ offers a service immersion program, while a similar program is available in the spring at the Arizona/Mexico border.
Global Travel
Summer in Disney: In June, the freshmen class members can go on a thrilling trip to Disneyworld. The schedule includes exploring all four theme parks located in Orlando, FL. The trip is takes place during in summer before the school year begins, to promote bonding among the freshmen class. This year the Freshman class will travel to Walt Disney World from Tuesday, June 11 through Saturday, June 15. More details on the trip will follow. Please click here to register your student to travel to Disney this summer.
Europe Trip: Every year, Mount offers a European trip for seniors, which is scheduled during Easter break to avoid academic disruption. This opportunity allows Mounties to have an immersive cultural experience with their sisters. European trips included visits to Germany and Austria. However, this year's 9-day itinerary includes stops in Paris, Normandy, St. Malo, Loire Valley, and back to Paris. It promises to be an unforgettable experience for all participants!
Mission-Based Exchange Program
In 2019, the Mount expanded its Mission-Based Exchange Program with Ensemble Scolaire Saint Jacques de Compostelle, a High School in Le Puy, France. Each year, students from both schools would alternate traveling between the U.S. and France. Students would be immersed spiritually and culturally, staying with local host families from the respective schools. We hope to bring this program back for our Mount students in the near future.