2024 Women as Founders Projects
The Mount offers a year-long honors independent study course called "Women as Founders." The course aims to develop strong female leaders who are independent, socially responsible, and courageous in their thoughts, actions, and personal lives. The young women selected for this course who completed their projects this school year include, (L to R) Klaudia Wojnarska, Quinn Shields, Samantha Ramos, Ella Sennick, and Lillian Eliason. Lead teacher of the course, Mrs. Elizabeth Hamilton guided the students as they conducted research, formed advocacy projects, and expressed their passions through social justice.
✨ Klaudia Wojnarska explored the link between the mind and the arts and held workshops to encourage students to create art.
✨ Quinn Shields researched the benefits of exercise for youths and collected exercise and sports equipment for donation to a local elementary school in need.
✨ Samantha Ramos focused on children's literacy and started an after-school book club at Green Woods Charter School.
✨ Ella Sennick researched women in male-dominated professional sports. She organized ice hockey clinics for young girls and interviewed professional female hockey players to discuss the evolution of the sport.
✨ Lillian Eliason researched the advantages of leadership skills developed from student-run broadcast productions in high school.